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Keynote Speaker

Benyebka Bou-Saïd

Professor & Researcher




Benyebka Bou-Said is Professor at INSA de Lyon and researcher at LaMCoS in subjects concerned with both fundamental and applied hydrodynamics, fluid-structure interaction, rheology and biomechanics. Pr. Bou-Saïd is the head of a research group involved in Tribology. He is the supervisor of more than 50 PhD thesis and 80 Research Master. Pr Bou-Saïd is Fellow ASME and STLE , Co-Editor in Chief for Tribology International and associate editor for Tribology Transactions and Journal of Engineering Tribology . He is listed in the Who’s Who in the World and has authored more than 140 papers. He has received the Tribology Gold Medal at the Japanese Tribology Conference Nagasaki October 2000 for his prospective work in the field of biotribology.

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