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Aysu Yurdasiper

Professor & Researcher

Ege University



Dr. Aysu Yurdasiper obtained her BSc and MSc degree in Faculty of Pharmacy from Ege University, Izmir, Turkey and respectively, followed by a Ph. D degree from Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Ege University, studying on nanogel delivery system invitro- invivo studies on dermal drug delivery. Her work is focused on dry powder inhalers, dermal delivery (topical, transdermal drug systems), controlled release formulations (nanoparticles, microparticles) for drug delivey and nanomedicine in pulmonary delivery. She is Editor in chief in American Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics also Editor and on the Editorial Board of several International Journals. She has filed a national patent on dry powder inhaler formulation, and she is a member of Turkish Pharmaceutical Technology Scientists' Association (TUFTAD), Turkish Pharmacists' Association (TEB), Controlled Release Society (CRS) and American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS). She has been working as an Assistant Professor in Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Ege University. Her current research interest focus on development of novel nanomedicine including polymers and in vitro-in vivo evaluation for treatment of respiratory diseases.

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